CNT fiber is light in weight, high in strength, good in impact resistance and thermal conductivity. Due to these qualities, it can be applied in the satellite structure, solar panel and antenna. Some key parts of the space station, rockets and spacecraft can be made of CNT fiber reinforced composite materials as the main structure materials. In addition, Some research and analysis results indicate that CNT reinforced composite materials can decrease the total weight of the rocket launcher by 30%. As the manufacturing technology of mechanical structure parts and multi-functional structure for aerospace products with CNT reinforced composite materials obtains significant headway in research, CNT and its composite materials may promote a revolution of the design, manufacturing and functions for the aerospace and spacecraft materials.
CNT fiber and its composite materials can be widely applied in civil aircrafts components, including air brake, vertical and horizontal stabilizer (used as oil tank), rudder, elevator, flap spoiler, undercarriage cabin door, fairing, vertical spoiler box, rudder, upper passenger cabin floor beam, rear seal bulkhead, rear pressure chamber, rear fuselage, horizontal spoiler, and aileron, etc.