Relevant research results indicate that reduction of automobile weights is one of the most effective measures taken to reduce energy consumption and emissions. The light weight of automobile structures leads to the weight reduction of the driving system. Additionally,, the weight reduction of automobile is also conducive to improving the acceleration, deceleration and operational stability of automobiles.
Currently, the weight reduction depends on the lightweight materials, structure design and manufacturing technology. Among various lightweight materials, CNT fiber reinforced composites have excellent mechanical performance: high in specific strength (ratio of strength and density), specific modulus (ratio of modulus and density) and specific energy absorption (the energy absorption per weight unit within the destroyed length). In a design with equal stiffness or equal strength, the structural weight of CNT fiber reinforced composite decreases the weight of the structure by over 50% than that of a low carbon steel structure and decreases the weight by 30% than that of magnesium/aluminum alloy structure. With them, the number of assembly parts would be reduced by 70%. The composite materials have good fatigue resistance, good corrosion resistance, and long service life.
With the huge potentials as the lightweight material, the CNT fiber reinforced composites in automobiles will continue to expand in its scope of application from less important structures to more integral structures and also improve in the application level from low end to high end products.